
Success Story: Alexis Brown of Necessary Insurance on Life Insurance Live Transfers

Fran Majidi November 4, 2020
Alexis Brown

Alexis Brown is a go-getter. Today, she is selling life insurance policies like crazy, and she only got her license a couple of years ago. Before she became an insurance agent, she was a bartender. Michael, an agent and a regular customer of hers, is the person who convinced Brown that she’d be good at selling insurance.

“I didn’t take him seriously at first because, well, it’s insurance and it’s boring,” she says, laughing. “But I eventually decided I couldn’t bartend and dance my whole life, so I studied for the life and health test. I scored 95% on my exam, and I didn’t even think I’d pass the health section at all!”

After getting licensed, Brown’s friend Michael hooked up Brown with a job. “I got my license in 15 other states so i could work with this company, but I wasn’t doing very well,” she says. “I then met someone else who helped me get a job at Bankers Life, where I got the training I needed.” She needed to learn the right terminology and get some pointers on how to sell. When she realized that she could choose her own hours, she was thrilled.

Working as an independent agent works for Brown’s lifestyle. “See, my life is crazy,” she says. “ I have narcolepsy so I need to have a flexible schedule and be able to take a day off if I’m not feeling well. I have no choice but to work for myself too.”

Getting started with her own agency has been a cinch because Brown’s friend Michael called and told her about SmartFinancial. “I literally just started taking live calls for life products last week. I’ve gotten 39 calls and I’ve sold 4 policies. One of them had a $15,000 commission. In a week of working with SmartFinancial I’ve made almost $20,000!”

The funny thing about this recent batch of sales is that Brown’s narcolepsy was acting up, and she didn’t even take the calls when they came in.

“I sleep like a rock when that happens, and I almost go into a coma. I forgot Friday I had calls. I missed 38 of them. I slept through all the ringing, the texts and email alerts. The past few days I’ve been trying to catch up. What I sold were all call backs!”

Brown is happy to find success in her new career with the help of SmartFinancial. She has a one year old and 7 year-old who demand her attention, so she’s happy that she can run her own business. “It’s just such a bonus that it’s been successful,” she says.

So, what’s next on Brown’s plate? Health insurance open enrollment!

Alexis Brown’s 5 Golden Tips for New Insurance Agents

1. Explain everything in easy-to-understand terms. If a client gets confused, they’ll get anxious and back off.

2. Sit back in your chair and get comfy. Pretend like you’re talking with a friend or family member. Joke, listen to how their day is going. Get them talking about themselves. Get them to talk about what they want covered.

3. For life insurance, sometimes a client will come to you for just burial coverage. Just suggest leaving something behind for the kids.

4. Most people know the business, and they know what they are asking for. Be blunt and ask your questions.

5. A lot of agents are money hungry. When they talk to the client, they are so focused on the paycheck, not the real concerns or what the best choice is for the client. You want the client to feel comfortable with the policy so they keep it rather than making a chargeback a month from now.