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How SmartFinancial Works

  • Answer a few questions. Don’t worry, it’s easy, free, and only takes 3 minutes.
  • We’ll sort through over 200 insurance companies and find the best rates available in your area. We’ll even check for discounts.
  • Compare the offers, learn more about each company, and filter the options any way you want.Take your time to review the offers and find the policy that is right for you.
  • We’ll continue to monitor your profile and analyze the rates in your local area to make sure you don't overpay. If a better more affordable option becomes available we'll alert you.
Did you know that your garaging location determines the price of your car insurance?

The reason why your car’s location is a factor in determining pricing is because it tells the insurance company a few things. Not only will the insurance company use data about car thefts/vandalism in your region, but they will also tell determine if certain weather conditions may pose a greater risk of loss.

See How Much You Can Save.

We’ve helped over 1,243 people find car insurance in your area today.