Typically car insurance companies will charge more for younger drivers and provide discounted rates for older drivers. Insurance carriers see young drivers as inexperienced and have a greater risk of getting in accident. In Arkansas, the typical teen driver between the age of 16 and 19 will pay $140.44 per month while a driver in their 40s will pay an average of $105.71 per month.
Age | Avg monthly rate |
20s | $140.44 |
16 - 20 | $181.72 |
40s | $112.68 |
50s | $105.71 |
70s | $113.82 |
60s | $100.46 |
30s | $110.19 |
Over 80 | $132.57 |
Marital Status | Avg monthly rate |
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Credit Rating | Avg monthly rate |
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Safe Driver (No prior tickets, DUI, or accidents) | Avg monthly rate |
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Homeownership | Avg monthly rate |
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Education | Avg monthly rate |
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Methodology The statistics listed on this page are from our own in house reporting. We track and record quotes that carriers have provided based on various criteria. The rates and averages shown on this page should only be used as an estimate.