SmartFinancial Smart Driving Campaign Scholarship

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No one is as expensive to insure as new drivers, a category into which most college students fall. It’s frustrating when you are a very careful driver with too little experience to prove it, but distracted driving is a problem in your demographic, which has the highest accident rates.

At SmartFinancial we are serious about helping students like you find an agent who is an expert at shopping and comparing rates to find the best prices and coverage available. Now, we want to see that you’re serious about safety, so we are offering a scholarship to help pay for your auto insurance.

To win this scholarship, you must submit a creative campaign to encourage safe driving. If you’re interested, see more below for details.

Scholarship Reward Amount: $1,000

Submission: Enter a 30 to 40 second video that encourages safe driving. The content must be original, inspiring and visually engaging. You will be judged by a panel of experts according to the persuasiveness of the message as well as visual/audio production value.

By entering this scholarship contest, you are giving SmartFinancial express permission to use your video on their website and/or social media channels whether you win or not.

Submission Format: Make sure the video begins with a byline before the action (e.g. “Safe Driving Starts Here by Jill Smith”) so we can identify you.

Submission Directions: Email a cover letter with an attachment of the video to  If you have any questions about the contest, please use this email address and we’ll respond within 1 to 2 business days.

Deadline: Ongoing; January 1 selections.

Good luck!

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