Does Renters Insurance Cover Bike Theft?

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Renters insurance generally covers bike theft, even if it is stolen from a place other than your primary residence. However, while renters insurance does cover bike theft, there are some limitations, as not all styles of bikes are covered and the amount of coverage can vary depending on the individual policy.

Keep reading to learn more about how bikes are covered by renters insurance, other coverage options and other considerations for owners of electronic bikes and scooters.

Key Takeaways

  • Renters insurance will typically cover the theft of standard bikes that are stolen from your home or parked off-premises.
  • The amount you are reimbursed for your bicycle will depend on depreciation factors like age, whether it was stolen away from your home and the type of coverage you buy.
  • Dedicated bicycle insurance can help cover your bike if it’s worth more than what a renters insurance company will cover.
  • E-bikes and electric scooters either have limited to no coverage and will likely need a dedicated insurance policy if you want comprehensive protection.
  • To avoid raising your policy's rate, you should generally only file a claim for a stolen bike if its value, or the value of many stolen items combined, is significantly higher than your deductible.

How Does Renters Insurance Cover Bike Theft?

Bike theft is covered under the personal property section of a renters insurance policy. Like in a homeowners insurance policy, this type of coverage ensures that if your personal property is damaged or destroyed due to any of the 16 perils most commonly covered, including theft, vandalism or damage from a vehicle, your insurer will cover the loss up to the limit determined by the policy.

Personal property coverage takes effect even if your bike is stolen off your rented property, like if you use it to commute to work and it’s stolen from the bike rack. However, your off-premises coverage will usually only cover you for up to 10% of your usual personal property coverage limit.[1] For example, a policy with a $20,000 limit to personal property might only recover up to $2,000 for an off-premises renters insurance claim.

The amount you’re reimbursed for your stolen bike will be determined in one of two ways: its actual cash value or replacement cost value.

  • Actual cash value (ACV): With actual cash value coverage, your insurer will reimburse you for the bicycle at today’s market value. Depreciation factors like age and wear and tear will lower its current value regardless of what price you originally purchased it for.
  • Replacement cost value (RCV): RCV coverage typically costs an increased premium compared to ACV but lets insurers reimburse you for the full cost of a similar replacement to the lost or damaged bicycle.

Do I Need Bike Insurance if I Have Renters Insurance?

Renters insurance covers you in case of a bicycle theft, regardless of where the bike was stolen, making additional coverage potentially unnecessary outside of specific scenarios. For example, some policies only cover up to a maximum amount for individual items and this coverage can be inadequate for more expensive and specialized bicycles.

bicycle sublimit

One method to overcome this is to buy a scheduled personal property endorsement or rider. This policy add-on increases the coverage set for a particular item for an additional cost. The process requires you to appraise it so the insurance company can verify its value but it would allow you to receive more coverage on a more expensive item under your renters insurance company’s policy.

When Should I Consider Bike Insurance?

While not always necessary, there are certain benefits of bicycle insurance that may make it preferable to a scheduled property endorsement to your renters policy. For example, bicycle insurance may cover you if someone is hurt while cycling or your bike damages someone else’s property. Some other scenarios where you might want to consider bicycle insurance include:

  • You own a bike of higher value: Renters insurance coverage will likely limit coverage for expensive mountain or racing bicycles. Purchasing bicycle insurance can help provide complete coverage.
  • You’re involved in competitive cycling: If you race or ride competitively, regular renters insurance won’t cover damage to the bike during an event. If you bike in a competition, bicycle insurance may be worth it if you need to make a claim.
  • You’d like roadside assistance: Some insurance companies may offer roadside assistance for bicycles, which could be indispensable if you run into an issue on the road, such as a flat tire or broken bike chain.
  • You travel frequently: While renters insurance will help cover a stolen or damaged bike if it's off-premises, it’s typically limited to a fraction of its value. If you travel frequently with your bike, bicycle insurance could help with increased coverage if it is damaged or stolen away from your home.
  • You want protection against uninsured/underinsured drivers: If a motorist driving without car insurance or who is underinsured strikes you while you’re out riding, bicycle insurance can help cover medical payments for your injuries.

Does Renters Insurance Cover Electric Bikes and Electric Scooters?

Renters insurance typically doesn’t cover electric bikes (e-bikes) or electric scooters. While some policies may offer limited coverage, most providers consider these motorized vehicles to fall outside their jurisdiction.[2] That said, some bike insurance policies may cover e-bikes or electric scooters only if they don’t use motors over 750 watts.[3] For more powerful vehicles, motorcycle insurance options may be able to offer coverage.

What Should I Do If My Bike is Stolen?

In the event of a bike theft, here are steps to follow when seeking reimbursement for your bicycle:

  1. File a police report and be sure to include the bike’s make and model alongside the individual bike’s serial number. Ask for a copy of the report, which you can give to your insurer to help validate your claim.
  2. If only parts of the bike, such as wheels, the seat or any accessories, were stolen, take pictures of the bike in its current state to have visible proof of the theft when making a claim.
  3. Get in touch with your insurer and file a claim.
  4. Submit documentation, including the police report, photos from the incident, and receipts for the bicycle purchase and related accessories.
  5. After the claims adjuster investigates the incident and if they approve the claim, you should receive a settlement check for the bicycle’s actual cash value. If you purchased RCV coverage, then you’ll receive a check for the difference after you replace the bicycle.

After making a claim, it will take at least 10 days on average for an adjuster to review the claim so the time for reimbursement will likely vary depending on the evidence you provide alongside the company and your policy.[4]

When Should I File a Claim for My Bicycle?

Whether it's stolen or damaged, filing a renters insurance claim for bicycle theft might not be worth it if the bike’s value isn’t significantly higher than your policy’s deductible. For example, if the bike you purchased for $100 is stolen but your deductible is $500, you won’t receive any coverage. Similarly, you are unlikely to receive coverage if the bike’s depreciated value is below the deductible.

One exception to this rule would be if your bicycle was part of a claim that included multiple items stolen from your rental unit and the total loss was well above your policy’s deductible. To take the same example, if alongside your $100 bike, another $1,000 worth of personal property were stolen, you could file a single claim combining the value of all items to receive coverage minus your deductible.

In addition, filing a claim may cause your insurer to raise your rates, so it’s worth weighing the coverage you receive against the possible increase in your policy’s cost.

Even when the value is above the deductible, it might not be worth claiming if you have filed multiple claims recently, as your insurer may flag you as a high-risk policyholder. Filing claims excessively might cause your insurer to nonrenew your policy.

How To Get Renters Insurance for You and Your Bike

When searching for renters insurance to cover bike theft, vandalism and other common perils, you should gather quotes from several providers to find the best option for your needs. Each insurer will ask for the same information, such as details about your rental, installed safety features and valuable items like bikes that need increased protection.

If providing the same details repeatedly just to find the right option sounds like too much work, consider a simpler solution like using an insurance company comparison platform like SmartFinancial. After filling out a brief questionnaire about your specific insurance coverage goals and financial considerations, we’ll quickly match you with a renters insurance policy that fits your needs. Get your free renters insurance quote today.

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Does renters insurance cover motorcycles?

Motorcycles are classified as motorized vehicles, meaning they are not covered by renters insurance. These vehicles typically need dedicated motorcycle insurance to receive coverage for theft or damages.

Should I insure my e-bike?

It is generally worth it to insure your e-bike for both liability and theft concerns. In addition to their high price point, which makes them an ideal target for thieves, their heavier bodies can travel at high speeds, which could make them more prone to accidental damage or causing injuries in an accident.

Does bike insurance cover electric scooters?

Depending on the individual policy, your electric scooter may qualify for bicycle or motorcycle insurance coverage, depending on its power output. Check an insurer’s policy to see whether your vehicle qualifies for coverage.


  1. Insurance Information Institute. “Renters Insurance.” Accessed May 13, 2024.
  2. Mercury Insurance. “What to Know About E-Bikes Before Cruising Down the Street.” Accessed May 15, 2024.
  3. USAA. “Electric Bike Insurance.” Accessed May 14, 2024.
  4. Hippo. “All About the Hippo Claims Process.” Accessed May 15, 2024.

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