How Much Will Insurance Cost Me if I Live in Flood Zone X?

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On average, homeowners in flood zone X pay $768 per year for a flood policy from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Premiums for zone X are usually cheaper than other flood zones because these areas have a low to moderate risk of flooding. Private carriers may also sell flood coverage and sometimes at a cheaper rate and with higher coverage limits.

Learn about shaded and unshaded zones, how they can affect your coverage and how rates for zone X compare to the other flood zones.

Key Takeaways

  • On average, NFIP policies for homes in zone X cost $768 per year
  • If flood zone X is shaded on a flood map, it has a moderate risk of flooding with an annual probability between 0.2% and 1%,
  • If zone X is unshaded on a flood map, it has a less than 0.2% annual chance of flooding.
  • Flood insurance costs the most when you live in a high-risk flood zone, like zone A or V.
  • Elevating your home, installing flood vents and safely storing documents can help minimize flood damage.

What Is Flood Zone X?

Flood zone X is an area with a moderate or low risk of flooding based on the flood insurance rate map (FIRM) created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). These designated areas have a 1% or less chance of experiencing a flood in a given year.[1]

Properties located in flood zone X may not be required to carry flood insurance by mortgage lenders, although it may still be recommended.

Flood Zone X: Shaded Areas

When looking at a flood map, you may notice that some areas designated as zone X are shaded or unshaded. If zone X is shaded on a flood map, it indicates an area with a moderate risk of flooding. The annual probability of flooding in this zone is between 0.2% and 1%.[2]

Flood Zone X: Unshaded Areas

On the other hand, if zone X is not shaded on a flood map, then it is an area with a minimal flood hazard risk. Unshaded areas have less than a 0.2% annual chance of flooding.[2]

How Much Does Flood Insurance Cost in Zone X?

On average, homeowners in zone X pay $768 per year for an NFIP flood policy. The average cost of flood insurance will vary by state, with average annual premiums ranging from $480 to $792.[2] Keep in mind that standard homeowners insurance does not cover floods. You will need to purchase separate coverage.

Below is a map showing how average premiums for zone X can vary considerably depending on your state.*

national flood insurance program average annual premiums for flood zone x United States maps illustration

*Based on average premiums for policies for both dwelling and contents coverage

Here is a breakdown of states with the highest average cost for zone X. We also include rates for zone A to show how the rates in a high-risk flood zone can be considerably higher than a low- to moderate-risk zone like zone X.

State Zone X Zone A
Iowa $792.16 $2,398.56
Missouri $789.79 $2,124.84
West Virginia $741.29 $2,493.77
Pennsylvania $736.30 $2,632.85
Connecticut $709.09 $2,618.37

Next, here is a breakdown of states with the lowest average cost for zone X.

State Zone X Zone A
Florida $480.83 $725.44
Hawaii $487.85 $591.15
South Carolina $506.22 $736.32
Texas $515.98 $1,115.00
Virginia $525.47 $1,202.94

Will Living in Flood Zone X Affect My Home Insurance Costs?

Flood insurance is generally not required if you live in zone X so it shouldn’t affect your homeowners insurance rate. If you do decide to buy flood coverage, the cost is relatively cheaper than rates for homes in higher-risk flood zones like zone A and zone V.

Should I Consider NFIP Over Private Insurance for Flood Zone X?

Flood insurance purchased through a private carrier will most likely give you more coverage than a policy through the NFIP. Orchid Insurance shows how a homeowner can purchase flood coverage limits more than triple what the NFIP can offer:[4]

  Maximum Home Coverage Maximum Content Coverage
Private Insurance $2,000,000 $500,000
NFIP $250,000 $100,000

It is important to evaluate the coverage and cost of both options before making a decision. Here are some other factors to consider:

  • Cost: The cost of private insurance policies are generally lower than NFIP policies but it varies based on the location and the flood risk. Obtain quotes from both NFIP and private insurance providers to compare the costs.
  • Claims handling: NFIP policies are backed by the federal government with claims being processed through FEMA. Private companies handle private insurance policies. Research the reputation and track record of both options to ensure that they have a good claims handling process.
  • Availability: Not all private insurance companies sell flood insurance, so it may be easier to purchase through NFIP. FEMA has a free online tool to find a participating NFIP flood insurance provider near you.

How To Minimize Damage in Flood Zone X Regions

While flood zone X doesn't tend to pose a huge risk, you should still be prepared in case a flood occurs. Here are some tips for a flood protection system and minimizing damage in flood zone X regions:

  1. Purchase flood insurance. Without coverage, your water-damaged property will be on you to repair or replace. Getting coverage is wise even if it isn't required and you live in a minimal or moderate flood hazard area.
  2. Elevate your home and you may be able to avoid water damage altogether.
  3. Install flood vents, which can help equalize the pressure of floodwaters on your home, reducing the risk of structural damage.
  4. Install a sump pump so water that seeps into your home is efficiently removed, reducing the risk of water damage.
  5. Install backflow valves and prevent sewage and other waste from backing up into your home during a flood.
  6. Secure your utilities. This includes making sure your electrical and HVAC systems are elevated above potential flood waters.
  7. Create a flood plan. This may include having an emergency kit, knowing where to go if you need to evacuate and having a communication plan in place for staying in touch with family and friends.
  8. Keep important documents safe such as insurance policies, birth certificates and passports by storing them in a waterproof and fireproof safe or in a secure location off-site.
  9. Stay informed by monitoring weather conditions and staying up-to-date on flood warnings in your area.
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Do I need flood insurance in zone X?

Flood insurance is not required in flood zone X if you have a government-owned mortgage. Private banks and other mortgage lenders, on the other hand, may require you to purchase flood insurance before approving your loan but this will be unlikely.

Is flood zone X safe to live in?

Areas designated flood zone X are relatively safe to live in as they are considered to have a relatively low risk of flooding.

What is the base flood elevation for zone X?

Base flood elevation is not shown for zone X due to it being outside the flood risk area.[2]

What is a special flood hazard area?

Special flood hazard areas (SFHAs) are high-risk flood zones such as zone A and zone V. These areas have a 1% or great chance of experiencing a flood in a given year.[5]

How many flood zones are there?

FEMA has created four flood zones with several subcategories.[5] Zones A and V are considered high-risk flood zones where you are required to buy flood insurance if you have a government-backed mortgage, like an FHA loan.


  1. Federal Emergency Management Agency. “Zone C or X (Unshaded).” Accessed March 18, 2023.
  2. FloodSmart. “Flood Insurance Data and Analytics.” Accessed March 17, 2023.
  3. Kin. “Flood Zone X.” Accessed March 17, 2023.
  4. Orchid Insurance. “The Difference Between the NFIP and Private Flood Market.” Accessed March 18, 2023.
  5. Federal Emergency Management Agency. “Flood Zones.” Accessed March 18, 2023.

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