Halloween Drivers Should Be Scared! How To Stay Safe on Spooky Roads

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Candy is great on Halloween, but the right car insurance is even better if you get into an accident. With trick-or-treaters on the streets and drunk partygoers behind the wheel, the likelihood of getting into an accident goes up on this spooky holiday. Fortunately, Halloween car insurance can financially protect against collisions and mischief like vandalism and theft. 

Keep reading to learn what to watch out for this Halloween to keep yourself safe and how getting the right auto insurance coverage can benefit you if your holiday ends up more trick than treat.

Key Takeaways

  • Drivers should be extra careful when driving on Halloween evening due to the presence of trick-or-treaters and drunk drivers.
  • Comprehensive coverage covers several Halloween pranks on vehicles, including theft and vandalism.
  • If you’re the at-fault driver in a Halloween car accident, collision coverage will pay for your car damages.
  • Driving slowly through neighborhoods, activating your hazard lights when picking up and dropping off people and being watchful for drunk drivers and trick-or-treaters are some ways to stay safe while driving on Halloween.
  • If you get into an accident on Halloween, you should file a claim as soon as possible.

Why Do You Need Car Insurance on Halloween?

Your chances of getting into an accident on Halloween increase due to the presence of more pedestrians and drunk drivers looking to celebrate the holiday festivities. Your car may also be vulnerable to theft and vandalism on this “Mischief Night,” either due to intoxication or in keeping with some of the holiday’s more reckless traditions. Full coverage — your state’s insurance requirements plus collision and comprehensive coverage — can help protect you in most accidents and from most types of Halloween trickery.

Below, we’ll go over a few different ways some Halloween activities and scenarios could lead to an accident, vandalism or theft of your car and the type of coverage you need to protect you.

1. Kids and Pedestrians

With more children on the street on Halloween, the chances of accidentally striking a pedestrian increases — especially if it’s dark. One study found that children ages four to eight were 10 times more likely to be killed by a motor vehicle on Halloween than on any other day of the year. The same study also showed that most child pedestrian deaths happened within residential neighborhoods.[1]

Not all children are supervised and may wear costumes that obstruct their vision or blend into the night. They may also cross the street thinking it’s clear when a car is approaching. Ideally, you should avoid driving at night when visibility is limited. If you can’t avoid it, maintain a lower speed when driving through neighborhoods and be extra vigilant for pedestrians.

Are You Covered?

If you accidentally strike a pedestrian with your car, liability insurance will cover them for their injuries and property damages. Meanwhile, collision coverage will pay for your repairs if there is any damage to your car after an accident.

2. Drunk Drivers

For some people, just one drink is enough to hamper driving capabilities significantly, with 61 fatal crashes on Halloween in 2022 where at least one driver had been drinking or was drunk.[2] That’s a nearly 65% increase compared to the average daily alcohol-impaired driving fatalities, making Halloween a night to be especially prepared for those who might be drinking and driving.[3]

Your insurance carrier should pay for accidents caused by drunk driving, but your insurance premiums will likely skyrocket. Beyond higher premiums, a DUI can also cost you thousands of dollars in attorney’s fees, fines, court costs, lost time at work and more.

Are You Covered? 

If a drunk driver hits you, they will likely be held responsible and their liability coverage should cover your losses. If they are uninsured, then the following Halloween insurance for your car would cover you:

3. Car Theft

Halloween is a holiday of pranks, mischief and, for some, participating in reckless behavior like car theft. Halloween saw a nearly 3% increase in car thefts compared to the daily average in 2018, the third-highest increase between holidays, sitting just behind President’s Day (8% increase) and New Year's Day (17% increase).[4]

Are You Covered? 

Comprehensive insurance will cover theft, but if the vehicle cannot be recovered, your car insurance will pay you the actual cash value of your vehicle, which accounts for depreciation factors like age, mileage and wear and tear. Contents inside the car are covered by renters or homeowners insurance.

4. Tricks and Pranks on Vehicles

Personal vehicles are nearly twice as likely to be vandalized on Halloween than on any other day.[5] In addition, from 2017 to 2019, about 9,200 fires were reported in the U.S. over the three days surrounding Halloween, with 16.4% of those fires involving vehicles.[6]

As a result, you should be watchful for both harmless pranks by your friends or criminals with malicious intent, such as:

  • Egging
  • Toilet papering
  • Vandalizing
  • Break-ins
  • Smashing windows
  • Gasoline tank spiked with sugar
  • Theft
  • Flipping your car

Are You Covered? 

If you have comprehensive insurance, then your auto policy should cover you for losses related to any of the Halloween pranks listed above.

5. Halloween Decorations

Halloween decor displayed in your neighbor’s front yard, porch or roof may be poorly anchored, and a strong gust can easily dislodge it with your car in its fall trajectory, causing damage.

Are You Covered? 

Damages to your vehicle due to another person’s Halloween decor will likely be covered under the comprehensive portion of your auto insurance policy. On the other hand, if you drive over somebody else’s jack-o-lantern or other decorative property, your liability insurance should pay for their damages.

6. Cars With Costumes

For extra festivity, some people put costumes and Halloween accessories on their cars — just be careful that the decorations do not impede driving for yourself or drivers around you. If you choose to decorate your car, ensure the costume is safely secure, as it may cause scratches or dents to your car or fly off it entirely and hit a pedestrian or another vehicle.

Are You Covered? 

Damages to your car by the car costume may be covered under collision coverage — double-check with your provider. However, if the damages are minor, it may not be a car insurance claim worth filing, as you will risk a premium increase down the line. If the costume injures or causes property damage to someone else, your liability insurance will apply.

How To Protect Your Car and Others When Driving This Halloween

safety driving tips halloween

On Halloween, practice these fall driving safety tips to keep yourself, passengers and others on the streets safer:

  • Drive slowly through neighborhoods: Reducing speed gives you enough time to stop safely when a trick-or-treater darts across the street.
  • Avoid driving during peak treat-or-treating hours: Trick-or-treating typically occurs from sunset to around 9:00 pm. However, stay vigilant because some children will stay out past curfew.
  • Park your car inside a garage or behind a gate: Reducing access to your car can help deter car thieves, vandals and hopefully ghouls.
  • Triple-check when pulling in and out of driveways: Small children playing and running can be hard to spot. Check your mirrors and over your shoulder at least three times before pulling in and out of driveways.
  • Turn down your radio volume: Loud music can distract and drown out noises that could signal potential accidents. For example, hearing children laughing or shouting should automatically signal you to reduce your speed and increase your vigilance.
  • Avoid eating candy while driving: Unwrapping some tasty treats takes your hands off the wheel and can reduce your reaction time. Save the sweets for when you’re safely parked or at home.
  • Do not let your costume interfere with your driving: Masks can reduce your visibility, long sleeves can interfere with your grasp on the steering wheel, and a big wizard’s hat may obstruct your ability to turn your neck. Either take off accessories that impede your driving or arrange for somebody else to drive.
  • Activate your hazard lights when picking up and dropping off people: Your hazard lights will alert the driver behind you to be careful because pedestrians are present.
  • Ensure your insurance coverage is up-to-date: Statistics have already shown that vandalism can spike around Halloween. When renewing your auto insurance policy for the latter portion of the year, consider increasing your comprehensive coverage limits just in case.

Liability insurance is mandated in most states and will cover you if you can be held responsible for another person’s injuries or property damages while driving on Halloween or throughout the year. 

Below, we highlight how core types of auto insurance work, as well as optional add-ons that might be worth having on Halloween. Keep in mind that you will need to pay toward your deductible for certain non-liability claims that you file.



Example Scenario

Bodily Injury Liability

Pays for medical costs if you cause injury to another person

You strike a trick-or-treater with your car

Property Damage Liability

Pays when you are liable for another person’s property damages

You strike a mailbox while driving through the neighborhood


Pays for damages to your car, regardless of which driver was at fault

Your car was dented after backing into your gate


Pays for non-collision damages, such as damage from hail, falling objects, vandalism, theft and fire

Your car was stolen while you stayed home watching scary movies

Uninsured/Uninsured Motorist

Covers your injuries and property damages when the other driver has zero or insufficient coverage

A drunk driver crashes into your car but doesn’t have car insurance

Medical Payments (MedPay)

Pays for you and your passengers’ medical costs, regardless of who was at fault

You drive into a tree and injure your hip

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

Pays for you and your passengers’ medical costs, regardless of who was at fault (required in some no-fault states only)

A speeding driver runs a red light, striking you and causing you a neck injury

Roadside Assistance

Covers roadside emergency services such as tows, jumpstarts, fuel delivery and more

You bought some candy at the grocery store, but your car won’t start and needs a jumpstart in the parking lot

Rental Car Reimbursement

Pays for the cost of a rental car if your car is totaled or undrivable

You get into a car accident and need a temporary car to commute while your vehicle is in the repair shop

How To File a Halloween Car Insurance Claim

If you get into an accident on Halloween, follow these steps to file a car insurance claim with your carrier.

  1. Check for injuries: If anyone is injured, notify the police immediately and refrain from moving the injured party. If everybody is safe, activate your hazard lights and safely pull over to a safe spot.
  2. Exchange information with the involved party: Obtain contact information from the other person and eyewitnesses. If the accident involved another driver, obtain their car insurance information.
  3. Document the accident: Take pictures of property damages and injuries you or the other party suffered. Don’t forget to snap photos of where the accident occurred and the road and weather conditions. 
  4. Get a copy of the police report: If you notified the police, get their name and badge number and ask how to obtain a copy, as it can help provide evidence for your claim.
  5. Contact your insurance company: Your insurer will walk you through the insurance claims process and instruct you on uploading the documentation gathered in the prior step. If anyone was injured, they may request copies of the medical bills.
  6. Get your car repaired: If your car has been damaged, you can complete repairs at an approved repair facility or one of your choosing.
  7. Report the accident to the DMV: Some states require you to report an accident to the DMV if it involves significant property damage or injuries. Double-check with your state DMV.

Keep in mind that while most insurance companies don’t have a strict deadline for filing a claim, they will require you to do so promptly.[7] However, filing a claim sooner rather than later can also make it easier to gather evidence and testimony while keeping the details of the accident fresh in mind, which can help expedite the claim process and make it easier to approve your claim. 

Some states, particularly those with a no-fault insurance system, have specific laws dictating how long you can file a claim after an accident. For example, New York gives you 30 days to file your claim, so ensure you verify your local laws before delaying the claim process.[7]

Switch to Cheaper Car Insurance Before Halloween!


Are there car insurance discounts on Halloween?

Halloween car insurance discounts are generally unavailable but may vary by location or insurance carrier. Talk to your insurance agent for more information.

Should you avoid driving on Halloween Night?

Refraining from driving on Halloween night is the best way to avoid car accidents. If you must drive, reduce your speed in neighborhoods and remain vigilant for children and drunk drivers.

Will my car be covered if Halloween decor damages it?

Damages to your car by Halloween decor are typically covered if you’ve purchased comprehensive coverage.

What are the most common Halloween pranks on parked cars?

Pranks you might see on Halloween can include the seasonal variety, such as getting your car covered in eggs or smashed jack-o-lanterns, or vandalism you can experience throughout the year, such as slashed tires and broken windows.


  1. JAMA Pediatrics. "Pedestrian Fatalities Associated With Halloween in the United States." Accessed September 11, 2024.
  2. National Highway and Traffic Safety Commission. “Halloween.” Accessed September 11, 2024.
  3. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. “Drunk Driving.” Accessed September 11, 2024.
  4. National Insurance Crime Bureau. “NICB Releases Annual Holiday Theft Report.” Accessed September 11, 2024.  
  5. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. "Vehicle Vandalism Peaks on Halloween With Nearly Twice as Many Claims as Usual." Accessed September 11, 2024.
  6. U.S. Fire Administration. "Data Snapshot: Halloween Fires (2017-2019)." Accessed September 11, 2024.
  7. Nolo. “Car Insurance Deadlines: How Long After an Accident Can You File a Claim?” Accessed September 11, 2024.

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